After the first workshops about “Processing” programming and “3D modeling and 3D printing”, we decided to organize “Creative Afternoons” every two weeks.
The concept is to give the opportunity to anyone to work on a personal project started during the workshops. Or to implement new ideas. Everyone is welcome without registration to attend these events.
Our 3D printer, CNC machine, Microcontrollers, and other tools can be used. Please check out the calendar for the exact dates of the Creative Afternoons. So time to tinker, exchange and have fun!
The first session was on 13.04.2019. And immediately there was new inspiration!
Michel needed a special object for his thesis. For his presentation, he wanted to show how simple 3D printed parts can help people with disabilities in order to improve their everyday lives.
The project “This Ables” is a cooperation between two non-profit organizations and a well known furniture manufacturer. The 3D model can be downloaded online, printed and used immediately.
He has taken as an example a table lamp where the switch is not handy. But if you adjust it with the Mega Switch, it is much easier to use. So another great application of 3D printing!
Another concept that is very important to us is 3D modeling and 3D printing of spare parts. In that sense we find the project “3D-Druck & Reparatur“, managed by Astrid Lorenzen, particularly exciting.
For example, Sascha came with a broken handle for his fridge. Instead of buying a new one, he wanted to produce his own. He was quickly able to develop, model, print… and bring his own handle home 🙂
From our side, we used this time to build our own machine. The first one is a CNC Micro Milling machine (Computer Numerical Control).
The basis is a vertical milling machine. Using a “Conversion Kit“, the hand-operated machine can be changed into a computer controlled milling machine. The “Conversion Kit” is composed of the following elements:
An Arduino board
Three Stepmotors
Bearings and Bolts
3D printed parts
Fabian and Piet were able to convert the milling machine in a few hours. Afterwards Christian could immediatly cut a few small pieces of brass for a light installation project. The next step is to get a stronger power supply in order to have more power for larger cuts.