Six months after having launched HoFaLab in January 2019, we were eager to organise our own exhibition, focused on “Art and Technology”. And so on 27.07.2019, we were able to officially display results of the past workshops, present current projects and future concepts.
Thanks to the good weather, we were able to enjoy the full outdoor potential offered by the yard and the two Houseboats. Additionally we were able to use the space from the artist collective Das Archipel. It consists of three pontoons that float on the waters of the Veringkanal. So a big thank you to Finn and we are looking forward for future cooperation!
On the “Archipel”, many musicians gathered around Sasha and Leon in a giant jam session with a mix of classical instrumental and self made instruments. For example, a Music box from our latest Music instrument building workshop was linked through interface to the whole PA and able to produce Noise music.
Furthermore a digital synthesizer was connected to a Laptop with simple algorithm programmed in Processing language. Playing notes on the electrical piano consequently induced beautiful digital animations on a large screen. In addition, Sasha had hacked a keyboard by means of circuit bending producing really crazy sounds. This and other musical hacks will definitely be part of a future Workshop.
On the Schute, Nele also was able to use the Transfer Press from Das Archipel to make prints on T-Shirts and other Tote bags with our milled linoleum stencil. Guests were able for it to mill their own stencil with the CNC miling machine.
Philipp presented nearby the exciting project Luftdaten which allows anyone to build Air quality Sensors. The goal is to locally measure fine dust levels in the air, and share information within an already strong community. Measurements are available to everyone online, with the aim to raise environmental awareness at a global level. Workshops are also planned to show how to build these simple devices.
Replicas of ancient Venus figurines were produced by Luisa, demonstrating the potential of technologies like 3D scanning and printing. She also exposed an upgraded version of the “Hygrophila Luminosa” from Kunst im Hof 2018.
After having had a successful exhibition in downtown Hamburg in June 2019, Kalle and Werner were also happy to display for the second time their artwork “Klimaprobe”. Their light installation consisting of wire sculpture and LED construction mesmerized all visitors at sunset.
All our newly developed tools and machines were installed in the FSG Boat. Thierry had 3D printed all sorts of cute animal toys exciting for children as well as adults.
Our new logo was also unveiled with the use of our Pen Plotter. The line of the new logo were drawn with great precision by the modified 3D Printer.
Gerd Jürgen brought his 3D printed project of miniature train, while Andre exposed the results of the Processing workshop on screens
Florian and Roman were able to show their self made Count Clock.
Last but not least, we were proud to demonstrate the capabilities of our newly hacked large CNC. Fabian displayed beautiful objects milled in wood, like jewels made out of upcycled old skateboards.
Next to him, Piet exhibited his self programmed app which allows to control the CNC from any mobile or Tablet. Sketches done on the screen of the smartphone are instantly converted into movements reproduced by the machine. Any soft material like polystyrene can then be carved, transforming drawings into milled shapes. The whole process is so fun, and the result is just amazing.
Thank to all the visitors for the great atmosphere, it was so nice to meet and discuss with all of you. We are so thankful for your encouragement and donations for our first summer exhibition. We can feel the strong support backing us up, and we are looking forward to developing HoFaLab together with all of you 🙂