3D printed helmet (Photo Credits: Herve Veronese, Production: "Anima tm" (2022) from Alexander Schubert)
3D printed supports
3D printed leaves
Music Case
LED Clothespin
Breakfast Boards
Apple juice cubitainer box
CountClock (Copyright CountClock)
CNC milled Stencil
Music instruments and Circuit Bending
Air Quality Sensors (Copyright Luftdaten)
"E-Camera" : artistic use of Raspberry Pi)
"WE ARE HERE" : artistic use of Motion Sensors
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (Copyright Ultimaker)
Spare part 3D modeling and 3D printing
What we are planning:
In frame of our future workshops, below is a short list of what we plan to build. If you want to help us build them, do not hesitate to contact us. (see the page Support us)
Raspberry Pi based Speed Camera (Copyright Claude Pageau)
Raspberry Pi based Speed Camera (Copyright Claude Pageau)
Photophone (Copyright Hackaweek)
Machines for Plastic Recycling (Copyright Precious Plastic)
What we have done:
As part of an urban farming experiment, we have tested different Aquaponic installations in a glass house from January 2017 to December 2018. Due to time constraints, we have now stopped the project and dismantled all installations.
In frame of this project, the following technologies have been used:
LED lighting for plants
3D printed bell siphon (Copyright Rob Torcellini)
Raspberry Pi based water temperature / air humidity monitoring system
Status of the Installation in September 2018
3D model of the complete Installation
LED lighting for plants
3D printed bell Siphon (Copyright Rob Torcellini)
Raspberry Pi based water temperature / air humidity monitoring system